- Subscribers were predominantly juniors
- Subscribers lack support from their company
- Subscribers are looking to understand the best practices of a product that they are inexperienced with
Survey invitation sent to 20,000 person mailing list
Results demonstrated that:
- Our audience was not juniors
- Diverse content keeps people coming back
- They want more!
- Explorations commenced based on user feedback
- Card sort to organize existing content
- Created a moodboard for the project
- Multiple iterations from wireframing through visual design
Elemental Selenium should be welcoming, compassionate, inclusive, and non-judgemental. It should feel familiar, clean, and warm.
Build a new visual identity that inspires confidence
Update & test existing content
Open source and promote the project to invite new content
- Users should see value in the updated content for Selenium Automation
- Users will easily search and filter the information to find what they need to get the job done.
- Users will understand how to contribute to the newly established community, and how to join the mailing list.
- Users did appreciate the new search and filtering patterns
- Users struggled with understanding difficulty indicators for the content
- In a departure from the existing flow, users preferred to keep the newsletter subscription language-agnostic as they often changed the tech stack they work with.
Based on the user feedback I continued to make iterative updates to our prototype. I also aligned with my development counterpart to provide necessary updates as our development process was already underway due to time constraints.
- Design system foundations
- Documentation to support further design contributions
- Visible assets for the website